
Yoga group class hosted by Sophie

“Yoga helps us to become a better person”

To regain the connection between body, mind, and spirit, Yoga offers tools to pause and restructure our way of being.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit “Yug” which means “to connect or merge”. According to the first Yogic text, The Rig Veda, Yoga leads to the union of one’s awareness with that of the universal consciousness.

Yoga is a holistic path toward well-being and enlightenment. It includes social conduct, personal rules, physical postures, breathwork, and meditation. The ultimate goal of this journey is enlightenment.

The foundation of this system is known as “Ashtanga Yoga”. Patanjali wrote this path in the yoga sutra (100 to 500 BC) and described it as fundamental to the practice of Yoga.

The way that is the most practiced in Western countries is Hatha-Yoga. Hatha yoga attempts to balance the mind and body via physical postures, purification practices, controlled breath, and meditation.

Yoga is an art of living, that we discover on a mat and apply in daily life. We embark on a journey toward a fulfilled and happy life.

Asthanga Yoga

In Sanskrit, ashtanga means eight-limbed (asta- eight**, anga**- limb) Ashtanga Yoga is an eight-limbed path towards achieving the state of Yoga, also known as Samadhi. It is not to be confused with the disciple of Ashtanga vinyasa Yoga which is a style of yoga practice created by K. Pattabhi Jois.

  1. Yama is attitude. (Non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, control of desire, and non-greed)

  2. Nyama is personal observances. (Purity, contentment, discipline, self–study, devotion to a god)

  3. Asana is the practice of poses.

  4. Pranayama is the control of the breath.

  5. Pratyahara is the control of the senses.

  6. Dharana is concentration.

  7. Dhyana is meditation.

  8. Samadhi is self-realization or enlightenment.

The five different paths of Yoga

  • Raja Yoga is the path of meditation

  • Jnana Yoga is the path of knowledge and discernment

  • Karma Yoga is the path of selfless service

  • Bhakti Yoga is the path of devotion

  • Hatha Yoga, the path of physical purification

A beautiful mandala to represent the universe in its ideal form.

Want to learn more about Ayurveda, Yoga, or Emotional Balance?

Schedule a free clarity call to learn more.

Dan Allegro

“I feel very grateful and fortunate to have you as my yoga teacher.

If not for you, I doubt that I would have stayed with it.  It has helped me in so many ways.  Even when I don’t really feel up to it, I go because I know how good it is for me, and I always feel better afterward, both physically and emotionally.”

Sandi Kimmel

“I can honestly say that whatever Sophie chooses to teach, she does so with passion, kindness, and authenticity.

It is such a pleasure to know someone who truly “walks her talk,” and she makes her knowledge accessible, practical, and worthwhile. Sophie’s gentle guidance and deep wisdom empowered me to grow…in all the right directions. Truly a gem of a teacher!”

Carol Scott

“Sophie is a wonderful yoga teacher!

Sophie is a wonderful yoga teacher!   She teaches the soul as well as the body.  She knows the needs of her students and makes sure we know there are alternatives to the more difficult poses.  She has explanations for poses. The best part of her classes is where shares her insights and thoughts about the meaning of life!  You will love Sophie!”