
A group comes together for a day of ayurvedic cooking primary principles, taught and led by Sophie.

Explore the self-paced Ayurveda Course


Explore the self-paced Ayurveda Course 〰️

We all have in us the miraculous power of self-healing! 

Well-being starts with optimal health: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. In these sessions, we define and sustain a program to stay balanced and find harmony at all levels. Ayurveda has many tools to offer:

  • Dietary recommendations

  • Ayurvedic cooking lessons

  • Detoxification

  • Yoga

  • Deep relaxation

  • Meditation

  • Ayurvedic lifestyle tips

Ayurveda & Yoga with Sophie's logo, representing inclusion, wellness, and nature.

During your initial consultation, we talk about your current health state. We determine your body type (doshas) and how to optimize your lifestyle. Everything is explained in terms that are easy to understand and a guideline is introduced on how to implement Ayurveda into your everyday life.

Follow-up consultations are of the utmost importance since those are the times when you can review your program, see what works for you and what needs adjustment, or even just for the encouragement! Throughout your follow-ups, you deepen the understanding of your constitution, how internal and external factors affect you, and how to counteract or nullify those factors.

In Ayurveda, health is a long-term commitment to yourself.

Bridget McGowan

“I just wanted to give you some feedback that I really am very grateful for everything that I have learned with you.

I even started my evening routines and I am just finishing up a 5 day cleanse this evening. I appreciate all the blessings my new practices have brought me. I have noticed I feel more confident in my choices, more organized in my day, and more at peace in every moment in my day. I have been praying for such things in my life for a long time, and I’m so happy I finally have something that helps me apply it consistently.

I can’t wait to dig into the resources you sent me.”

Catalina Finnell

“Ice in my drink? Not for me, as a rule. But I always wondered why? After my personal Ayurvedic consultation with Sophie, I now know why I prefer warmer drinks, warmer weather, and warmer foods in general.

And I seek them out. It’s why I live in Temecula. It’s why Fall is my favorite time of year. Based on this new knowledge of my own personal body type, I can now quickly evaluate and choose the best option in food types, seasons, and environments. Sophie's recommendations allow me to have a healthy, happy, and effortless lifestyle every day.”

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a 5,000 old practice coming from India. The translation from Sanskrit means“Science of life and longevity”.

It’s a nature-based system that allows us to understand:

  • Who we are physically, emotionally, and mentally.

  • How the seasons, where we live, or what we eat influence our own constitution, or dosha.

Ayurveda is considered the sister science of Yoga as they share philosophical principles. According to Ayurveda, the universe is composed of the 5 elements (space, air, fire, water, earth)… so is the body. Thus, the human being is the embodied universe. These 5 elements, in their biological forms, combine to create the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), which you can think of as energy forces. We are all born with a unique, individual portion of each dosha. Each one is present in us at different levels forming our optimum being and leading to good health. Ayurveda doesn’t address the symptom but the imbalance of the whole person.  It is a holistic approach to health and well-being. Environmental factors like stress, diet, daily routine, exercises, climate, and seasons impact the balance of our natural constitution. When the imbalance is present, toxicity builds in the tissues, compromising health. Understanding your constitution (doshas) will help you to remain in balance.

Vata is composed of air and space elements.

When Vata is the most present in the constitution, people are creative, joyous, quick thinkers, and good communicators. When they are out of balance or under stress, they become restless, and anxious and have elimination problems, constipation, or cramps.

Pitta is composed of fire and water elements.

When Pitta is the most present in the constitution, people are focused, passionate, intelligent, and courageous. When they are out of balance or under stress they become irritable, angry, intolerant, and have digestive problems, inflammation, or ulcers.

Kapha is composed of earth and water elements.

When Kapha is the most present in the constitution, people are calm, motherly, methodical, and thoughtful. When they are out of balance or under stress they tend to be stagnant, stubborn, gain weight, and are depressed.

A beautiful mandala, representing the universe in its ideal form.

Want to learn more about Ayurveda, Yoga, or Emotional Balance?

Schedule a free clarity call to learn more.

Ayurvedic cooking includes a lot of spices and natural ingredients. Sophie dives into ayurveda nutrition, lessons, and principles during her ayurveda consultations and course.

Private Session Pricing

Sophie speaking to a group regarding disease prevention from ayurvedic and ayurveda practices.

Initial Consultation

75 minutes $175 

A calm scene representing wellness.

Follow-Up Consultation

60 minutes $125

Beads to represent wellness and emotional balance.
Sophie shows two students how to cook following an ayurvedic style.

Take the Ayurveda Course
